Class and production: sculpture / statues
Author: Manner of Chairestratos (sculptor, active between the second half of the 4th B.C. and the early 3rd century B.C.)
Cultural context: Greece / Attica
Date: second half of the 4th B.C.
Standing female statue dressed in the classic Greek manner with chiton and himation. The goddess Athena can easily be recognized in this figure because of the presence of some typical details such as the aegida (goat skin) with snakes and the gorgoneion on her chest (the head of a gorgone, a mythological figure). A shield and a spear, which she could have hold, are missing because the arms of the statue got lost. However, scholars suggested this could be an Athena Ergane, holding in her hands peaceful items and not weapons, given the position of the remaining arms. Epigraphical documents demonstrate that Athena Ergane was worshipped on the Athenian Acropolis. About authorship and dating: scholars suggest that it may be an attic work of the second half of the 4th century B.C. represented at the manner of the sculptor Chairestratos, author of the great statue of Themis from Ramnuntes.
Material and technique: Greek pentelic marble
Dimensions: height 73 cm
Provenance: Mantova Benavides Collection, Padua; Vallisneri Collection, Padua
University of Padova, Museum of Archaeological Sciences and Art
Cat. Number: MB129
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