Identification: Specimen
Collection: Cetaceans Miocene of Belluno
Systematic - Paleontology
Reign: Animalia
Phylum/ Division: Chordata (Vertebrata)
Order: Cetacea (Odontoceta)
Family: Eoplatanistidae
Scientific name: Eoplatanista gresalensis (Dal Piaz, 1977)
Determiner / Autor: De Muizon, Christian
Date determination / Revision: 1988
Geological age
Geochronology (Chronostratigraphy)
Eon (Eontema): Phanerozoic
Era (Eratema): Cenozoic
Period (System): Neogene
Epoca (Serie): Miocene
Age (Plain): Burdigalian
Other chronological subdivisions: Lower Miocene
Other informations
Itotype: Glauconitic sandstone
Description: The specimen, along with many others kept at the museum, represents the rich fossil cetacean fauna found in the surroundings of Libàno and Bolzano, in the Belluno Province. These fossil dolphins have many similarities with species that currently inhabit the coastal waters of river deltas, such as the Ganges. The collection of fossil cetaceans begun in the second half of the nineteenth century, when some quarries of "stone mole" were active.
Continent/Subcontinent: Europe
State: Italy
Region: Veneto
Province: Belluno
Municipality: Belluno
Place: Bolzano Bellunese
Università degli Studi di Padova, Museo di Geologia e Paleontologia
Item code: 20201
- Dal Piaz G., 1903 - Paleontographia Italica, v. 9: 187-220; t. 28 f. 1a-c, t. 29 f. 4, t.31 f. 5a-b.
- Dal Piaz G.,1905- Paleontographia Italica, v. 11.
- Dal Piaz G., 1977- Mem. Ist. Geol. R. Univ. Padova v.4 (all.): 1-23, p. 3, t. 1 f. 1.
- Dal Piaz G.B., 1929 - Studi Trentini Sci. Nat., anno 10: 22-36, p. 29.
- Pilleri G., 1985 - Mem. Sci. Geol., v. 36 p. 48, t. 53C-E.
- De Muizon C., 1988 - Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris, v.10, p. 55, 59.