Identification: series
Title: The continuity of the Roman culture in modern times with the celebration of examples of life and poetry, heroic virtue, study and work
Author: Campigli, Massimo, 1895/1971
Date: 1939 - 1940
The wallpainting, which decorates two walls of the hall, represents the continuity of the classical culture in contemporary world through the celebration of history and archaeology. On the bigger wall there are: in the upper part, on the left a crowd attending the raising of a column, at the centre a monument with fragmentary columns on podium and front steps, on the right students who attend a lecture given by Livy; at the bottom, on the left bodies of soldiers and ruins, a poet, children playing near the capitals, and on the right archaeologists who dig in the ruins. The part further to the left, at the stair landing, presents the figures of Giuditta Campigli (from behind), Carlo Anti, Gio Ponti, Massimo Campigli. On the lower part of the wall it is represented the construction of a modern concrete building on the land consisting of ancient ruins and sculptures that some workers are digging.
Materials and techniques: wallpainting/fresco
University of Padua, Historical and artistic Heritage
Cat. Number: OPA00450
- Bettini S. s.d. [dopo il 1971], Campigli al Liviano, Padova - Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo.
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- Nezzo M. 2008, Il miraggio della concordia. Documenti sull’architettura e la decorazione del Bo e del Liviano: Padova 1933-1943, Treviso, pp. 309-345.